Hello Guys,
Thought I d let you know what I ve been up to. I have been working on a new body of work for release later in the year at the 'Sculpture by the Lakes' event , July 2020, in Dorset. I m so pleased to have been invited to such a beautiful place.
I will be bringing bowls and paintings to this event and will be holding taster workshops for both.
Just to say there are a selection of 'Bowls of light' in the shop fired over the Flower super moon, this is 'I claim my sovereign being' and feels a powerful bowl indeed.

This is a sneaky preview of the new body of work on its way and as you can see my 'Mischief' is giving it her seal of approval.

Extended apologies to all those lovely students that were booked on todays bowl of light workshop we will of course look forward to seeing and working with you when we are able to reschedule, I would like to extend my thanks for being patient.
I am sending you all my love and a little creative burst, painting news to follow....