Hi Guys and welcome to all of you dropping in here this week. Should you get the opportunity to play with your colours this week, I have shown you a colour wheel you may like to mix up yourselves. This is the most simplest way I can think to show you how colours are formed and how they relate to one another.
Before we look at that I just wanted to remind you of your 6 colours to buy plus white if you have just joined me and adding yellow ochre to those six if you have been with me for a while.
So paint lists are as follows
Oil Colours
Alzarin Crimson
Cadmium red
Indian yellow
Lemon Yellow
[Yellow Ochre]
Pthalo blue
Ultramarine blue
and a white remember
Titanium is the most opaque
Zinc is semi opaque
mixing white is transparent
I think going for a Zinc white may be a good idea
You will also need to buy yourself
Liquin a liquid that will help oil dry quicker
oderless mineral spirit this might be Zest it or Gamsol [Amazon]
cotton rags
brush cleaner Murphys wood soap [Amazon]
Acrylic colours
Perelene Maroon
Pyrole red
Cadmium orange
Lemon yellow
[Yellow ochre]
Indantherene blue
Pthalo blue
Titanium white
Also put absorbant paper towel in your kit
Watercolour colours
Alzarin crimson
cadmium red
Indian yellow
Lemon yellow
[Yellow ochre]
Pthalo blue
Ultramarine blue
also put absorbant paper towel in your kit.
It may be useful to have a gouache white in your kit for adding opacity to colours when not painting in a conservative watercolour way. As a general rule one uses the paper as the white, avoiding or masking out using masking fluid or wax.
So below is the most simple way I have come across looking at colour. You can see it is a split primary pallette [ 2 of each primaries ,one warm one cool] and it can be split to replace the lemon yellow with yellow ochre to provide a whole range of different greens and combinations of colour when used with the other primaries.

I will be adding to this post later in the week. Enjoy your painting and buying your colours.