Welcome Guys
I thought I would share the preparation and start to my 30 day painting challenge to see if I cant inspire some of my students to do the same. I m joining in with other artists doing this in "Art work and living" with Mary Gilkersohn.
To make things easier for myself I have a chosen some small 5 by 5 boards to paint on and some of these I may end up mocking up larger for exhibition pieces.

I have under painted 30 5 by 5 s using and acrylic paint to seal the surface of the board. I ve used an Indian red and Venetian red to provide me with plenty of warmth from behind.

To this I have added a loose Notan pattern in dark acrylic and structure gel to give the picture plane some texture to work layers against. The white of the Notan has been applied using acrylic inks and I have worked with several tools to apply it. I have written through each painted layer with words that connect me to the image of the spring sunrise.

This stage is quick and intuitive because the layers dry so quickly.

These two I may leave as they are as I like the openess of the marks.

These two I have added a further oil and cold wax layer that has been added and worked into

Much love everyone .Look out for this weeks lesson consolidation I should have it up for you by tomorrow morning for those of you that missed last weeks session.