Hi Guys
I ve been exploring and mixing colour with my students this week and I have been talking about mixing Lemon Yellow and discussing where it sits in the co;our wheel, but before I discuss this with you I d just like to put a big thank you to all of you who came to support me yesterday at the Private view for Sunday Times and Literature festival exhibition at the Gardens Gallery, lovely to see so many of you and a few of our students exhibiting with me there to. Super speeches by Ian James and our lovely Mayoress.
Should you like to see this exhibition its open for the next couple of weeks we would be delighted to see you.
So,mixing Lemon yellow.
When I first introduce mixing colour to students I use Lemon yellow as one of the two yellows in the split primary pallette,but in actual fact it can be mixed using Indian yellow and a small amount of Pthalo blue. It does however take a little bit of practise.
Have a try, just remember both indian yellow and pthalo blue are transparent dye colours with strong tinting strength and will need the adition of a little white to intensify and show the colour. Using a square end mixing knife will really help when mixing and exploring colour as it can be wiped clean in an instant unlike your brush and I am mixing in oil here this morning. See below

As you can see below here, this is the tinting strength of the Indian yellow and Pthalo blue. You can see how little pigment you need to make a lemon yellow similar to Michael Hardings Lemon yellow. This colour is predominately white.

I hope you have enjoyed this and will have a go at mixing this yourself .In my next post I will be discussing introducing Yellow ochre into the colour wheel as the second yellow in the split primary pallette rather than the lemon yellow.
This requires a familiarity with mixing and using colour. Much love everyone. Enjoy your weekend....