Evening Guys, just carrying on posting about my painting process. Today I managed to work for a couple of hours putting the first layers and marks into the underpainting.
This was done at this stage with acrylic as its a 2m piece and because its a reasonably large area I make sure I keep the surface open for a while with a water mist spay. I also write and draw into the wet and dry surface to maintain the energy and connection with the painting.
I ve photographed some of the paints and brushes and tools i m using.

Above you will see acrylic inks and powdered pigments. Below you can see a selection of printing tools to apply and pull off paint creating different marks and textures.

So I m stopping work now for the day after 2 hours as I need to make the dinner.

I will post again tomorrow with my progress. I hope you have enjoyed seeing how I build up layers under my paintings. I am taking bookings for day and 3 day courses.
The next one is June 17 booking through Cheltenham Fine art and the 3 day Landscape course is
11- 13th July booking through Cheltenham Fine Art.
Happy painting.