About Me
Welcome to my site!
I am Jayne Tricker…
Creative; Painter; Potter; Designer; Intuitive.
I hope you enjoy exploring all I create; the many different artistic mediums I work in, including paint; clay; wood and metal, all woven together by my intuition and spiritual sense of self and my musings of life, self and our place in the universe.
You will often see me looking for balance and beauty; the miracle in the madness of life.
I have been a creative from a very young age, always keen to explore colour, sound, form.
Qualifying with a degree in Art and Design in 91, I have been a Potter and Painter for over 30 years.
I am based in Cheltenham, Cotswolds but am often found on the South Coast, in Hampshire where I was born, or in Dorset, which feels like my spiritual home and where the full range of my creative endeavours can be found at the most wonderful 'Sculpture by the Lakes' – an 'Oasis for Art Lovers and Collectors' which is the brain child of Simon and Monique Gudgeon.